h1m14s12 Shift Duration

The air inside is strangely tense for a standard op, a little sweaty and a lot twitchy. The lights in the gun closet are low, a lightly pulsating red to keep the humans' low-light vision intact. Your fellow automaton, Frankie, pulls her combat/engineering rig over her head, a harness with more pouch groups than she has original fingers. Twice as many mags as the last ship clearing. The looks on your human coworkers' faces aren't exactly promising either - Kendall is giving a lot of nervous glances to Jonah's back,

suit up

A small depiction of the ship outside appears in your vision, rotating slowly enough for you to chew on the image. The words "+ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH VESSEL +" are written periodically across the ship's hull, no visible armaments present to discredit that statement. The general design of its bulk took on a symmetrical but haphazard, chunky shape, almost a polygonal egg, like its exterior was a thick tarp over a much sleeker ship.